Đặt câu với từ "was behind on his payments|be behind on his payment"

1. Victor had fallen behind with his mortgage payments after losing his job.

2. 16 Some guy was yapping on his cell phone behind us.

3. In Arrears, behind or late, especially in payment: She was three months in Arrears on her mortgage and credit card payments

4. His apprenticeship was behind him.

5. 17 A glance behind confirmed his fears. His pursuer was gaining ground on him rapidly.

6. His seat belt was buckled behind his back.

7. His views on education are ridiculously behind the times.

8. He put his shopping on the seat behind him.

9. Joseph's is located on his right bicep and Dun's is located on his neck behind his right ear.

10. His vices behind him, he was baptized.

11. Tom hung his coat on the hook behind the door.

12. His life was hidden behind floral curtains.

13. And Fraser's on his knees, arms tied behind his back, and he's crying.

14. He hung his coat on the hook behind the door.

15. Capitol on Wednesday, saying the president "Cowered behind his …

16. He had crept up on his unsuspecting victim from behind.

17. He had his hands clasped behind his head and was leaning against the head-rest behind him so that his tanned throat was exposed.

18. On he was 50 feet short of the pin on his drive and stuck behind a knoll.

19. He was held with his arms pinioned together behind his back.

20. His little elbow was stuck behind my pelvis.

21. His desk was discreetly placed behind a screen.

22. His hands were manacled behind his back.

23. He wondered what was behind his neighbour's sudden friendliness.

24. He turned his back on Peter and said: “Get behind me, Satan!

25. The child was shy and hid behind his mother.

26. His gloved hands were handcuffed behind his back.

27. The sun was behind him and she could see the glare that shone on his bald pate.

28. Daak was unusually restrained, standing behind Ace with a hand on her shoulder and a puzzled frown on his face.

29. In Arrears means payment is behind

30. He tried to conceal his yawn behind his hand.

31. You tread behind his every footstep.

32. His yurt stood behind the temple.

33. His hair was spread behind him like a black raiment.

34. His dark eyes glittered with anger behind his spectacles.

35. 'Bumptious' - about it, because his own red hair was very plainly to be seen behind

36. I've fallen behind with the mortgage payments.

37. 13 She was suspicious. Was there an ulterior motive behind his request?

38. In debt Synonyms: behind, in arrears Examples - a company that has been run Behindhand for years - a month behind in the rent - he fell behind with his mortgage payments - in arrears with their utility bills

39. 13 He tried to conceal his yawn behind his hand.

40. His eyes were closed behind thick glasses, and his expression was prayerful and vaguely pained.

41. 30 Sam slouched back and propped his elbows up on the bench behind him.

42. Carl had a wicked grin on his face as he crept up behind Ellen.

43. 15 And Andrus would be untouched, impregnable behind his rigid simplicities.

44. 24 John spun on his heel and ran back to the banister, his fist closing on empty air behind the moving figure.

45. The idea behind his work was to completely recreate a landscape, but leave behind something which looked completely natural.

46. “In Arrears” means a payment is behind

47. His work has been dragging behind recently.

48. His gloved hands were clasped behind him.

49. 7 He entrenched himself behind his newspaper.

50. Another dull thud behind his left knee.

51. He stood his broom behind the door.

52. I tried to get behind his words.

53. His thought is far behind the times.

54. 16 Carl had a wicked grin on his face as he crept up behind Ellen.

55. By this time his workaholic lifestyle was well established, though always hidden behind his easy friendliness.

56. If your payments of rent fall behind, you will be asked to leave.

57. Services enabling cash to be placed on a payment account (bill payments and express bill payments),

58. 17 At first Icarus was obedient and followed close behind his father.

59. The prisoner, his hands tied behind his back, was brought to the scene by the hangman.

60. Sandy stared at me, his eyes widening behind his rimless glasses.

61. He was placed in the tomb of his father behind the altar.

62. That was the motivation behind Absalom’s rebellion against his father, King David.

63. The Duke back again behind his opera glass.

64. A customer also will have to be more than 60 days behind on a payment before seeing a rate increase on an existing balance .

65. David Copperfield 'Bumptious' - about it, because his own red hair was very plainly to be seen behind

66. The serf pant along behind his master's horse.

67. He departs with Barnes, leaving his shield behind.

68. He hid his feelings behind a gruff abruptness.

69. He often leaves his umbrella behind absent-mindedly.

70. Bourdieu frequently photographs [his subjects] from a hidden angle, training his sights on people from a distance and mostly from behind.

71. He makes one final offer, to leave some of his men behind to escort Jacob and his party on their way.

72. I was driving behind a truck on the freeway.

73. He slammed his hand on the desk and, in a quick tipsy glide, slid behind me.

74. But Billy had taken the precaution to get behind a tree, andthe drop on his rival.

75. His face was a mass of purple bruises, his lips swollen and split and his eyes lost behind puffy tissue.

76. He was pacing the room swiftly, eagerly, with his head sunk upon his chest and his hands clasped behind him.

77. He still stood behind his cash register stuffing his mouth with popcorn.

78. We're even behind on employees'salaries.

79. Behind him, near the front door, his wife was pruning the roses, oblivious.

80. In Arrears - in debt; "he fell behind with his mortgage payments"; "a month behind in the rent"; "a company that has been run behindhand for years";